For too long the squabbles of petty politicians and pundits have been perceived as emblematic of the sectarian divisions within Lebanese society. Does this dialogue, or lack thereof, really represent demographic interactions within Lebanon? Search for Common Ground believes actual Lebanese people have far more productive and nuanced relationships with one another, and they hope to capture this through their new LBC Series Kilna Bil Hayy. Kilna Bil Hayy follows the lives of six Lebanese children, all from different ethnic and religious communities, living in the same apartment complex. These children work together to build communal pride and problem solve, offering a more realistic and hopeful model of productive dialogue. Kilna Bil Hayy can be viewed on Saturdays on LBC.
Safadi Foundation USA will be providing brief profiles on the stars of the show, showcasing the actors own feelings in communication and peacebuilding. This is the fourth profile of the series.
How has your participation on this show changed your perceptions/attitudes about conflict resolution in Lebanon?
I no longer think about politics and politicians in Lebanon. After the show I stopped following a leader because I noticed that they are all ruining the country.
Why is it hard for Lebanese youth to understand each other? How does your show help bridge the difference?
Because of politicians who ruin their minds. This show opens their mind and makes them realize that all the leaders in parliament are after a seat. This was shown in this year’s elections.
What can Lebanese children teach adults about effective communication and compassionate understanding?
Though the show. This show is a scream to the society and to adults to stay away from politics and look at each other in a better way.
What do all Lebanese children have in common?
That they are Lebanese. No more... Just Lebanese.
If you could give a wish list of anything you wanted to Lebanese political leaders, what would it say?
To all resign and let us rule. Let the youth build the county and to stop convincing people to hate each other and plant hatred.
Safadi Foundation USA would like to thank the Search for Common Ground, and the stars of Kilna Bil Hayy for their participation in these interviews.
عن طبيب فلسطيني اسمه حسام أبو صفية
2 weeks ago
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